What are the basic upload rules?

We have standards for uploading to maintain boundaries, to prevent abuse of the system:

1. We do not allow excessive homophobic and transexual posts. We do not have an audience for that and it is extremely offensive to that community. Wether you agree or not, it is their right to do as they please with their OWN sexuality! We could have users who are none heterosexual! Ignoring this may result in your channel being suspended.

2. Please do not spam the site with uploads, this means excessive uploads all at once from one account, basically being a pest. Continuous uploads is flooding the system with only your uploads and is not fair use with other content creators and channel owners. It is also difficult for visitors to see other users recent uploads, because they have to scroll through pages and pages of videos just to see something different. Please be considerate to other users. eVideo-Box has always had a hard stance on spam and we will suspend a users upload privileges for 7 days if you spam the uploads section. We do have a good understanding of what we concider a reasonable amount of uploads in any given time frame. Viewers may concider this persistent uploading as spam and leave.

3. Please do not upload extremely graphic videos of people being killed ect. We do not have an audience for that and also minors could stumble across the site and their have been no rating/warnings on such videos. It is not cool to watch other peoples demise especially during these difficult times.

4. Uploading copyright material may result in a DMCA strike against us and will result in an immediate suspension of your account if copyright material is uploaded to eVideo-Box.

eVideo-Box is a free speech network and is not intended to intentionally cause direct harm, distress, or harassment to individuals.

For how to upload click here: https://e-vidbox.co./men
